Home Solar Power

Modern advancements in home solar power technology has enabled homeowners across the world to utilize solar energy products in their homes for clean electricity and heating. The cost is still relatively high to completely redesign a home electric system to be solar power friendly, but if you think you are ready for the change or are building a new home, solar power systems for your home are a sound investment on future energy savings and can greatly benefit the future of the environment.

Home solar power systems can come in many forms and offer different services to your home. Photovoltaic solar panels will use the light from the sun to generate electric power for your home. Solar thermal systems will use the sun’s heat and a steam turbine generator to generate electricity for your home. Solar thermal systems are also frequently used to heat water for your home plumbing or for a swimming pool.

Often times solar power systems are installed for only a portion of a home’s electric supply. This is a way to save future energy costs and use clean electricity with a smaller initial cost and commitment.

The light and heat from the sun is the world’s most abundant source of energy, but harnessing this energy for your home can be challenging. The most important requirement for a home solar power system is that the location of the solar panels have clear and consistent access to the sun. Nearby homes and buildings, trees, clouds, and the changing seasons are all obstacles that solar power owners need to consider. Without clear and consistent access to the sun, a home solar power system is a liability.

If you are considering a transition to solar power for your home, you should consider every variable including the cost, the installation process, the property laws, taxes and permits, and how much time you expect to pass before you receive a return on your investment. A household that decides to use solar power in their home usually does for one of the following reasons:

1. To decrease or completely offset fossil fuel electric consumption in order to reduce the environmental carbon footprint the home.

2. To have a secure source of backup power during power grid failures, or if a power grid is unavailable or too expensive to access.

3. For financial reasons. To stabilize the price of your household’s electricity at a set level. To receive rebates and tax credits, and to avoid the potential of future driven price increases in fossil fuels.

4. For prestige.

Regardless of the reason, installing a solar power system in your home requires an educated and informed decision.