Delaware Sunlight Hours & Renewable Energy Information

Delaware Sun Light Hours Map

Quick Green Energy Summary for Delaware


State Sunlight Rank: 34/50

Average Annual Sunlight Hours: 2500 hours

Clear Days: 97 days per year

Summer Peak Sun Hours: 4.69 hours per day

Winter Peak Sun Hours: 3.37 hours per day

Average Peak Sun Hours : 4.23 hours per day


State Wind Rank : 11/50

Average Annual Wind Speed: 0.10 miles per hour

More Information on Delaware Green Energy

Delaware ranks in the lower half of the country in average peak sun hours, but it is a state that still can offer lifetime savings for households that convert to solar energy. Delaware is also geographically favorable for wind energy production, but that has not stopped the advancement of solar power within the state.

Although a small state, Delaware is a narrow state that runs longer from north to south, so the average peak sun hours may vary slightly at different ends of the state. The total capacity of solar power increased quite a bit for Delaware around 2011 with the start of a few big solar projects. The state plans to continue increasing is solar capacity, and with the states fairly high average cost of grid electricity, more households might soon find it more advantages to take the solar route.

When pricing and calculating how solar panels will work for your home or business it is best to use a conservative sunlight hour estimate. A lot of variables factor into accurate estimates and not every hour of sunlight is equal. For example, the tilt of the solar panels, sporadic cloud coverage, time of year, angle of the sun are just a few factors of many that can cause a variety in daily output.

A yearly average specifically looking at peak daily sunlight hours will help eliminate the fluctuation in numbers.

Using a fixed solar panel Delaware receives an average of 4.23 peak sun hours. These are the best hours of solar insolation.